Get to know the author

Hi all!

‘Get to know the author’ is just that, to get to know me!

My absolute favorite past time is reading fictional historical romance novels, also known as Regency romance. I love laughing (it’s usually at myself), playing board games with my family, movie nights in my pajamas, hiking when the weather is cool, Irish Breakfast tea in the morning, and making cheesecake (healthy cheesecakes made with gelatin).

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I started this blog to share my favorite things with other people. I have so many thoughts during the day of what I want to tell other people and I don’t always get the chance to share them. So, I thought, why not share them on the internet?

It took me a long time to nail down what I wanted to specifically share on the blog. I had so many thoughts and ideas that I think I have changed the outline at least five times. For now, though, I love finding healthier food options, I am learning to love budgeting, and I love travel so why not talk about those? Anyway, my travel isn’t exciting, but I also have a lot about flight phobia as I have experienced myself, and travel tips with the family. I hope you like reading it as much as I love writing it!

I have been a stay-at-home mom for the last twelve years. We are in our 6th year of homeschooling, and I graduated from university with my bachelor’s degree in 2022. My husband also finished his college degree in 2017 while we were continuing to add kids to our nest, so anything is possible even if you are still growing your family. I never thought I would have finished college, homeschooled my kids, or started a blog, but here I am.

My hope for this blog is that it will inspire other people to reach for the positive things in life that they never thought they would or could do. Find a good support system whether that be a spouse, family member, friend, or a community member that will push you to keep going when you want to quit. Anything is possible and the possibilities are endless. I have learned a lot throughout my unforeseen journeys and these experiences have helped me to grow into a stronger individual. I hope for the same for you, my friend. Thanks for visiting my blog!

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I am not a doctor or any kind of healthcare professional, and this is not medical advice. This is a blog for a wife and mother to share things she cares about. I encourage you to do your own research and decide if certain lifestyle changes or products are the best fit for you and your family. No one family is alike and so, to each their own. I hope you can find some snippet of encouragement here, or maybe just something interesting to consider. If you find any joy or helpful hint on my blog, then I will be a happy mama.