Life + Family

Healthy, Hardy, and Helpful Breakfasts

Early mornings come so fast, don’t they? I’ll be honest, I am not an early bird. I would rather be up until midnight or 1am accomplishing tasks than getting up at sunset. Although, during the summer, getting up with the sun is a necessity at our house. This has required me to prep multiple breakfasts the night before.

When choosing breakfasts to make the night before, I try to think of what my kids (my husband makes his own) would eat that don’t need to be super fresh the next morning. My kids eat pretty well, but texture can become an issue at our house.

Meal planning our breakfasts involves thinking about what everyone enjoys eating, what our stomachs can handle during early mornings (some items sit better than others), and what will hold up well while eating in the car.

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Here are my family’s top on-the-go breakfasts:

(P.S. – None of these are fancy recipes)

Muffins –

Muffins are a staple in our house. Does it make sense to make them during the summer? Not at all. I get around that by baking them at night, after the sun has set. This way the house doesn’t heat up to extremes while the sun is beating down. No one needs the air conditioning going out, just saying.

Our favorites are sourdough blueberry muffins and sourdough chocolate chip muffins. I make a double batch of the base recipe and then split it. I use Little Spoon Farm for all my sourdough recipe needs; however, I do add in about 1/2 c. of lemon juice, unflavored protein powder, and a quarter c. of baobab powder for these muffins. I gotta fill up bellies and fast.

For the chocolate chip muffins, I use Bake Believe sugar free semi-sweet chocolate chips or an allergy free chocolate chip.

Sourdough chocolate chip muffins with protein powder, baobab powder, and sugar-free chocolate chips
Sourdough blueberry muffins with protein powder and baobab powder. I cut these into squares instead of using cupcake liners.

Egg cups –

My oldest son LOVES eggs. For him, I make egg cups. I cook up scrambled eggs with shredded cheese, salt, pepper, and nutritional yeast (don’t tell him) in silicone cupcake liners. Sometimes, if I have the time, I will add either hashbrowns or bacon to his egg cups. Then, I bake them in the oven, let them cool, and store them in the fridge to be eaten over the next few days.

Super simple and easy to take in a hurry.

Scrambled eggs with shredded cheese, salt, pepper, and hashbrowns. The brown spots are the hashbrowns that were mixed in.
These egg cups were made without hashbrowns for me. I follow the Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle so hashbrowns would make these a crossover for me.

Toast with a cup of 000 yogurt –

We take toast and a cup of 000 yogurt when we haven’t been to the grocery store yet. The kids will toast up some sourdough bread and add their favorite spreads. Some favorites are peanut butter and honey, Light Laughing Cow Cheese with cinnamon and sugar, and coconut oil with raspberry jam. Don’t forget a spoon! (This might have happened a time or two).

Breakfast sandwich –

Breakfast sandwiches are our all-time favorite. Again, I will cook the bacon at night after the sun sets to try not to heat the house up too much. While the bacon bakes in the oven, I cook omelets on the griddle.

Assembly: Half of a toasted sourdough bread (I always have this handy, and I always forget to buy English muffins), omelet, two slices of bacon, and the second half of sourdough bread. I wrap them in parchment paper and store them together in the fridge for the next couple of days.

My kids like these so much better than the ones in the frozen aisle. It can become time consuming, but if you make a bunch at once, then it’s not so bad. Plus, you get yummy breakfast sandwiches the next day!

Chia seed pudding –

Chia seed pudding is crazy easy. Mine always takes longer to set-up; I haven’t quite figured out why. However, prepping this the night before takes hardly any time at all. I mix my chia seeds with oat milk, vanilla, a little maple syrup and I am done.

My daughter likes to add peanut butter or jam to hers in the morning. My boys are not huge fans, but if I add homemade whip cream and some berries, they are okay with it.

The pudding was still setting up when this photo was taken. It tastes better than it looks.

Rotation –

We rotate through these five options each month. We don’t always have to be out fast, but when we do, these are lifesavers.

The best thing about prep-ahead meals is that I know what we are eating. I handled the ingredients, so I know what’s going into our bodies.

I would love to hear about your favorite on-the-go meals for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Let me know what you love in the comments below.

Continue Reading –

Summertime is busy, sunny, and fun. If you are needing to find great products to protect you from the sun and will work for the whole family then you won’t want to miss our favorites here. We live in an extremely hot and sunshiny area; these products are a must have.

Thanks for reading!

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