
Exciting Inexpensive Family Short Travel Ideas

I am always looking to go somewhere. Anywhere. We are a one income family which means large vacations take a looooong time to save for. Which isn’t great for me, because I get antsy. This is why I have created inexpensive family travel ideas that can be used on a short budget.

I don’t know if you are like me, but I am determined to create family memories with travel. Even if they have to be close to home adventures.

To help with my antsy-ness and stay within our budget, I created a list of excitingly inexpensive family travel ideas that can be accomplished over a weekend. Honestly, if you can manage some weekdays, that is so much better.

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The excitingly inexpensive short weekend family travel ideas –

1. Camping –

If you have read my other post about anxiety ridden me and camping, then you know that I am not a good camper. None the less, it’s a great experience.

Being outside, under the swaying trees, near a running creek watching the water rush over the smooth pebbles, and eating outside under the warming sun. Nothing is better.

The equipment can be quite the expense, but we have acquired things over time and continue to add a little at a time based on our needs (or wants).

2. Day Trips –

Day trips are a great way to save money. We have a list of all of the things in our state or just over the border that we are interested in discovering. Then we decide on which month would have the best weather for the thing we are going to see, and then we write it down on the calendar.

You pay gas, food, and maybe an entrance fee depending on where you are going.

As far as food goes, we will eat breakfast at the house, bring plenty for lunch in a cooler, and then either splurge on dining out or eat when we get home. It depends on where our financial situation is at that time.

Start making that bucket list!

3. Hotel Stays –

Hotels are not cheap. However, a one-night stay in a hotel with a pool, jacuzzi, and free breakfast can range anywhere from $180-$300 per night depending on many factors.

When we want to do a hotel stay, I start checking around. I compare different hotels around the area that we want to stay in. This helps me determine how much I am willing to spend, and it also helps me determine if the stay is worth the money. If it’s anywhere around $220+, then we wait.

One other thing, I only choose hotels that have a review rating of 4.5 or higher with a large number of reviewers. If I am going to spend our hard-earned money and go on a “relaxing” vacation, I don’t want a crummy hotel.

Hotels usually have a rewards program that you can join for free. This can help add up points for those larger vacations later. We don’t rely on that, but it helps.

4. Local Attractions –

Local attractions can be an all-day outing as well. Plus, you won’t have to use as much gas as an out-of-town adventure.

Local attractions can be anything nearby –

  • Zoo
  • Museums
  • Hiking trails
  • Lake day
  • All-day park outing
  • Fishing
  • Bookstore perusing
  • Historical sites
  • Science center

Most of the time, these adventures are inexpensive, but still create beautiful memories with the family.

When we venture to outside, my kids bring their binoculars, sunglasses, and a compass. Sometimes, a notebook and pencil too. You never know what interesting things you might find.

When even a short weekend trip or day trip isn’t in the books –

There are times when not even a short weekend trip or day trip can happen. No worries, there are plenty of other ways to create those family memories.

We like having theme nights. I wrote a whole post on 13 of our favorite theme nights that we have done. Another way to create fun at home is to come up with themes or “camps” for the day.

  • Science camp – checking out Magic School Bus books from the library and trying out several experiments
  • Sports camp – Learning about the body and then playing your family’s favorite sports throughout the day
  • Baking/cooking camp – Learning to cook and bake are great skills. Learning to bake and cook during the summer when you have more free time and can enjoy your treats? Even better.

I hope this list of inexpensive short family weekend (or day) trips has left you with some inspiration. Let me know what your favorite short family trip is in the comments.

Thanks for reading!

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