Budget Friendly

Inexpensive Ways to Drop Those Pounds

Losing weight is always difficult, and even more so when you feel like you have to spend lots of money in order to lose it. The thing is, you don’t have to spend tons of money to lose weight. Let me share with you some of the tools I have used to drop 20 lbs and continue to lose weight all while not breaking the bank. These are inexpensive ways to drop those pounds.

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In the beginning –

My weight loss journey has always been a thing. I was a heavy child, lost weight in 8th grade, and kept it off until I had my first baby in my 20s. The bad news was I hadn’t corrected my eating habits enough to maintain a healthy weight during my first pregnancy. Hello, extra pounds!

Then, baby number two came along, which added a little more weight. After my second son was born, I was not happy with how much extra weight I was carrying around. I had no energy (a baby and toddler could also be the cause of that), I was sluggish, and I just didn’t feel good.

It was decided that I would work hard to get my body back. I did. I did the Jillian Michael’s 30-day shred at least 4 days a week, I hiked with my baby strapped to me and holding the hand of my toddler, and I ate very little (not a good idea).

My weight came off fast. I was stronger than I had been, and I had learned to eat healthier. No more hostess cupcakes or potato chips for a midnight snack. I ate a lot of turkey burgers, salads, and raw veggies. I was able to maintain this weight until #3.

Baby number three was cooking and growing. It was necessary to maintain my workouts throughout the pregnancy, although a little less strenuous as my belly grew. In maintaining my workouts, I was hopping over the baby gate on the stairs without any problem. I was still chasing my two little boys around with a big baby belly. None of it was a problem, I was thankful for that.

Baby number 3 entered the world and I wasn’t in too bad of shape. Everything went well until I went back to school when #3 was a year old. I had three littles, 6 and under. My husband helped with so much, but trying to homeschool your oldest one with a 4 year old and 1 year old, accomplish your own homework, tend to the house and everyone’s needs, you forget about eating right. Exercising? No way.

Tired and feeling helpless –

My brain was tired. Some days, I would find myself just staring at my homework, not wanting to think. It was like pushing through a brick wall to get my homework accomplished sometimes.

The food during this time? Amazing. Turns out my husband is a fantastic cook. I had no idea. That was also the problem. He made such delicious meals with carbs and fats, that I loved everything that was delivered to me while I was working. (Spoiled? Maybe).

Anyway, needless to say, my weight came back. I wasn’t working out anymore, who had time for that? I was eating fats and carbs and sugars. Not that that’s bad, but it was too much for my body.

Turning It All Around –

One night, I was so frustrated with myself. I actually googled how to lose weight when you are tired and frustrated. Something showed up in the Google search that changed the rest of my life. Trim Healthy Mama. FYI, this post is not to endorse them, only to show how I got to where I am, although I do love Serene and Pearl. Especially the podcast, don’t change for anyone girls!

Anyway, I started reading about this Trim Healthy Mama plan and watching the YouTube videos women had made about ‘on plan’ meals. It all looked like normal food. Nothing special to buy, no program you had to pay money to subscribe to. Did I mention that all of these years we were living on one income? Yes, one income. Still, to this day, one income. Hence, my budget friendly antics.

So, I got the book from Thriftbooks (one income, not a lot of money), and began reading. I made meal plans when I took a brain break from school and posted it on the refrigerator for the whole family.

Fast forward to today, I am 20 lbs down and still losing weight. Mine has been a slow journey because well, I haven’t always stayed ‘on plan.’ Nonetheless, I love this food lifestyle and that it can be done on any budget.

Inexpensive Weight Loss –

  • Trim Healthy Mama – The idea is to separate carbs and fats, eat every 3 hours, and amp up the protein. That’s the basic jist of it. Search for it in Google and you will get tons of helpful videos and blogs. The THM book is also offered through their website or I am sure you can find a used copy through Thriftbooks. It really only costs you time and a few dollars if you want the book.
  • Meal Planning – You just need paper and pen or a tablet or whatever writing device you like to use. I find that this is the most helpful to me when I am beginning something new, or I am trying to get back to the basics. Just know, I have fallen off the wagon many times and jumped back on.
  • Podcasts – One odd thing that has helped me to stay on track is listening to podcasts. I started listening to the THM podcast shortly after I found out about the lifestyle and loved it. These days, I still listen to the sisters, and it gives me inspiration to do better for my health. Another favorite podcast that I listen to is the 1000 Hours Outside podcast. This podcast inspires me to get outside with my kids. If we are outside, then we are moving!
This is their 2nd book. I use this one all the time.
THM has their own product line. My husband and I use this stevia to sweeten our tea every morning. This bag has lasted us over a year now.

Inexpensive Ways to Work It Out –

Getting moving –

  • Walking – Requires no money. Can be done in your neighborhood or if you are waiting for your kids or just somewhere beautiful.
  • Riding a bike – Same as walking. This might be an added cost if you don’t already have a bike available.
  • Lake days – One of our favorites. Getting out to swim in the lake or canoe or paddleboard is so much fun and you are moving. Moving and having fun? Yes, please!
  • Hiking – Most hiking trails near our home are free. A few trails cost some money, but it’s not usually too much and if we are trying to keep costs low, we just avoid those ones. If the trails nearby don’t have a lot of inclines, then search out a hill that you can walk up and down on.

Adding muscle –

  • Lifting weights – Weights will cost a bit of money. However, after the initial investment you usually don’t have to purchase another set until you are ready to move to higher weight. I have weights similar to these and I love them. I use them for all of my lifting exercises.
  • Workout videos – Workout videos will cost a bit as well, but once its purchased you won’t have to purchase it again. When we were growing our family, I had purchased some of the Jillian Michaels workout videos and a prenatal workout video. I still have them!
  • Beachbodi on Demand – This one is a little more expensive up front. I didn’t start this until last year. I really wanted to build muscle and I knew I needed help with that, but I don’t like going to the gym. I like to exercise at home. So, a good friend of mine told me about Beachbodi on Demand. I love it! I paid for the whole year up front, which at the time was about $192, so about $16 per month. My husband pays more to go to Planet Fitness, so I felt justified. I can do multiple different workouts depending on my mood and I have built a lot of muscle over the last year.

Amp Up the Protein –

Protein is a big deal when you are trying to lose weight and gain muscle. If you are trying to lose weight, the protein is going to fill up your stomach, which means you can last the three hours between meals without feeling overwhelmed. Our muscles also need protein to grow, so get that protein in if you are lifting weights.

You can use protein powders, my favorites are below, or it can be chicken, eggs, tuna, yogurt, cottage cheese, and so on. I didn’t use protein powders at first, but now they help me to always have something with protein especially when we are on the go everyday.

I hope this helped you to feel inspired and not feel defeated. If I can do this, anyone can do this. Seriously, I’m lazy. Let me know in the comments if you have tried any of these or you have a favorite inspiration for maintaining your health.

If you are looking for more family and budget friendly inspirations, check out my other posts here.

Thanks for reading!

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