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Gluten Free Bulk Products to Save You Time and Money

If you are looking for gluten-free products, such as flours and grains, that are also organic then you have to check out Azure Standard. I buy all my gluten and gluten-free flours and grains from this family-owned business as I can buy it in bulk and the quality is spectacular. Below I will share how we became gluten-free and the flours I received from Azure this January.

When eczema and gluten walk into a bar…

Strange heading, I know, but I like odd things.

Let me tell you how we got on this gluten-free train. About two years ago, we went gluten-free for my son because he was having stubborn eczema issues that weren’t getting solved by any steroids or creams the doctor prescribed. It was on the back of his thigh and it started with one eczema patch which quickly grew into almost his entire back thigh covered in eczema patches. I can’t remember the time frame for how long it was from point A to point B, but I do remember how itchy it made him. He didn’t tell me about it for a while, but one day it became too much so he showed me.

I tried just lotioning it for a while, thinking maybe it was just super dry. That did not work. Then, we went to the pediatrician. She gave him steroids to use for a few days. I asked her if it could be a food intolerance, she said no. The steroids worked, but as soon as we stopped using them, it came right back.

I was at a loss and I needed to find some way to help him. I had read about gluten irritating the gut and then causing visible skin reactions. At this point in time, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to remove gluten. Fear of the unknown, you know.

The day my mind was finally convinced that gluten-free was the right option for us, was when we visited the kids dentist for their cleaning.

My son had just been relieved from two horribly painful canker sores. I told the dentist about those two canker sores and how he gets them frequently, at least within a few months of each other. The dentist was like, “That can usually be the results of a gluten-intolerance or cinnamon.” What!?!

We don’t eat enough cinnamon for it to be a problem so I had my answer. He went on to explain about the gut and the esophagus being irritated with sores, but I am not a doctor of any kind so I won’t go into detail. He opened my eyes and my mind that day.

After that day, I spent a week getting my thoughts together about what we could eat and off we went. We ALL went gluten-free so he wouldn’t feel left out, and this lasted for about 6 months. After 6 months, his eczema was all cleared up!

Over that following year, after the first 6 months of being gluten-free, we slowly introduced gluten back into our diet. He handled it well and his eczema patches haven’t come back thankfully. Going gluten-free worked for him, but I’m not saying everyone should go gluten-free, I’m just sharing our experience.

Gluten-free again!?!

This not so short story is leading to the point that my 6-year-old daughter is now showing the same stubborn eczema issues that my son had. SOoOo we are back on gluten-free.

Another 6 months and hopefully she will be free of eczema patches too.

The only problem this time (besides birthday parties and snacks in her homeschool co-op classes) is that we have grown extremely fond of sourdough bread over the last year. To the point that if there is not any sourdough bread in the house, then everyone thinks there is nothing they can make to eat. It’s true.

This leads me to Azure Standard. You knew I was going to get there, thanks for sticking with me.

Azure Standard has the gluten-free!

I love Azure Standard for many reasons, but most of all, because they have gluten-free flours in bulk!

Once we decided we needed to become a gluten-free family again, I began scouring the internet for gluten-free sourdough bread recipes. There are amazing people out there who have figured this out, kudos to them and much thanks.

After finding my handy dandy recipe, I knew right where to go, and away I went. Here is what I ordered to embark on my new journey of creating delicious tasting gluten-free sourdough bread.

Purchases –

All flours are in 5lb increments; All products listed are organic.

  • Millet flour
  • Brown rice flour
  • Sorghum flour
  • Buckwheat flour
  • Arrow root powder (1lb)
  • Virgin expeller pressed coconut oil in glass jar (32 oz)
  • Frozen sweet potato cubes (5lbs)
  • French cut canned green beans (12 pack of 15 oz cans)
  • Canned corn (3 pack of 15 oz cans)
  • Canned black beans (3 pack of 15.5 oz cans)
Azure also sends an informational catalog with every order. The catalog shares info about the newest products and has a whole index to find every product they offer.

The total cost for this order was $85.94. The flours in this order will last me several months, and most of the other items as well, so if I were to spread the total cost over, let’s say, 3 months then it would be roughly $28.65 per month. This amount of flour will also get me about 10 loaves of organic gluten-free bread. One of these days I will purchase flour in bigger bulk sizes, but I just don’t have the proper food storage set up for that yet. For now, this will do.

Where is this going?

In conclusion to my long story, my top gluten-free Azure Standard products are listed above. There are definitely more, and to date the gluten-free flours are my top, top favorite. If you are looking to go gluten-free, or are needing to out of a health necessity, then Azure Standard has tons of organic gluten-free products in bulk to fit any lifestyle.

I hope you will keep reading along with me on my cost-saving journey. If you want to read about how we were spending $1,400 on groceries, which led to this money saving walk, then check it out here.

Thanks for reading!

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