Protein - Top 4 Favorite Protein Snacks
Life + Family

Top 4 Greatest Protein Packed Travel Snacks

We are gone from the house a lot during the weekdays. I try to pack a healthy lunch or protein rich snacks when I can, but sometimes, that just doesn’t happen.

The snacks listed below are my grab and go options. These are for those days when I didn’t wake up on time or something unexpected happens. I know I will be hungry before I can get home again, and I don’t like to be hungry. Being hungry makes me hangry.

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Here are my top 4 protein grab and go snacks:

  • Orgain Protein Shakes – I have these listed in other spots on the blog, but these are my number one. One thing to note is that there is only 1 shake within this brand that has zero sugar so be sure to always double check the nutrition facts. The one I purchase has 20 grams of protein, 6 grams of carbs, and 4.5 grams of fat. These fit as an FP and can be used alongside other food sources when needed. Just check the fat and carb content of the items you are pairing this with to make sure you aren’t headed into crossover world if you are looking to lose weight. The ingredients for this shake are much better than most. This shake doesn’t use soy, the protein used is a pea protein.
  • Archer Meat Sticks – These are my second go to or my addition to the Orgain protein shakes. This package is the mini meat sticks so when I consume these I eat two mini sticks in one setting. Each mini stick has 4 grams of protein, so with two sticks you are at 8 grams of protein for 1 ounce. There are zero carbs, zero sugar, and 3 grams of fat per mini stick. I also like the ingredients used for this meat stick.
  • No Cow High Protein Bars – These bars are the bees knees. They have 21 grams of protein PER bar, 4 grams of fat, and 4 grams of carbs. There is no soy in these bars which that is partly why I love these bars, that’s what drove me to them in the beginning anyway. The only ingredient I don’t like within this bar is the soluble corn fiber. Other than that, they are great. Plus, the amount of protein received in one bar with 1 gram of sugar, suitable ingredients, and the fat to carb ratio, I mean, it doesn’t get much better unless you make them at home.
  • Quest Protein Chips – I debated about adding these chips to the list or not. I don’t usually take these out on a weekly basis because the ingredients aren’t stellar, but I do like them on long road trips. I discovered them when we were headed on a 13-hour road trip, and I knew at some point I was going to want to give in and just eat some chips. I went ahead and purchased these chips for the fact that they had 18 grams of protein per bag, 1 gram of sugar, 6 grams of fat, and 4 grams of carbs. Sitting by itself, it’s an FP. I decided to offer up this suggestion just for those times when you find yourself wanting an unhealthy food habit because you are stuck in a car or airplane or bus and can’t curb the temptation. At least there’s still protein.

I’ll write another post about foods that are great for outside of the house or long road trips that are not pre-packaged indulgence for THMers. I do like to take fresh fruits, veggies, protein rich breads and/or muffins, wraps, etc., with us on long road trips or just down to the park for the day. This list is my necessities that keeps me on the Trim Healthy track when I haven’t prepared myself effectively.

Do you enjoy other high protein grab and go snacks? Let me know in the comments.

Looking for healthy drive-thru sue options for a family meal? Head over to my product reviews page to discover healthy store-bought ingredients for a healthy, gluten-free spaghetti dinner the whole family can enjoy!

Thanks for reading!

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